29 August 2011
27 August 2011
Shawwal: What to Do On Eid Night, Eid Day, and During the Month
Shawwal: What to Do On Eid Night, Eid Day, and During the Month
By Mufti Taqi Usmani
- Beginning of the Ashur-ul-Hajj
- Eid-ul-fitr
- The Night Preceding 'Eid-ul-Fitr'
- Before Going to Eid Prayer
- Sadaqat-ul-fitr
- The 'Eid Prayer
- How to Perform Eid Prayer
- Khutbah: The Address of 'Eid-ul-fitr
- Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwal
Beginning of the Ashur-ul-HajjShawwal is the first of the three months named as "Ashhur al-Hajj" (i.e. the months of Hajj). Although the major acts of Hajj are normally performed in the first ten days of Zulhijjah, yet the whole period starting from the first of Shawwal up to the 10th of Zulhijjah is held to be the period of Hajj because some acts of Hajj can be performed any time during this period. For example, the Tawaf-ul-qudum, followed by the Sai' of Hajj cannot be performed before Shawwal, while it can be performed any day after the beginning of Shawwal. Similarly, an 'Umrah performed before Shawwal cannot be treated as the 'Umrah of Tamattu: while the 'Umrah performed in Shawwal can be affiliated to the Hajj, making it a Hajj of Tamattu: Moreover, ihram of Hajj should not be started before Shawwal, because it makruh. For these reasons these three months have been named as the 'months of Hajj' and the month of Shawwal has the distinction of being the first of these.
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The second meritorious aspect of Shawwal is that it has been chosen by Allah Almighty for the celebration of "Eid-ul-fitr", one of the only two annual festivals recognized by the Shari'ah. This happy day is designed by the Shari'ah as a sign of gratefulness by the Muslims on the accomplishment of Ramadan, and as an immediate reward by Allah for those who spent the month of Ramadan in fasting and performing other forms of 'ibadah.
Instead of commemorating an event from the past, the Shari'ah has prescribed the first of Shawwal as an annual festival for the Muslims at an occasion when they themselves accomplish a great 'ibadah. This approach reminds the Muslims that they should not rely only on the accomplishments of their ancestors, rather, they should themselves perform meritorious acts to please their Creator.
In prescribing the ways to celebrate the happy day, Islam has adopted another unique approach. The festivals of other religions or nations normally comprise of some acts of rejoicing and enjoyment. The whole happy day is normally spent in dancing, singing and playing.
In contrast, Islam has prescribed a simple yet graceful way to observe the happy day. First of all, it is mandatory on all the well-off Muslims to start their day by paying "Sadaqat-ul-fitr" to the poor of their society, so that they, too, may enjoy the day along with others, and may not be worried for earning their livelihood at least on that day of happiness.
After paying the "Sadaqat-ul-fitr", the Muslims are required to proceed to an open place where they can offer the Eid prayer collectively. In this way, they are supposed to present themselves before their Creator and offer two rak'ats of this special type of Salah, which makes them receive blessings from Allah and start their celebration by these divine blessings.
After the Salah also, they are supposed to rejoice the day in a responsible manner, without violating the limits prescribed for them and never indulging in the acts prohibited by Allah.
Keeping this point in view, we will now discuss specific rules prescribed for observing the day of Eid-ul-fitr.
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The Night Preceding 'Eid-ul-Fitr'It had been the practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, that he would not sleep in the night preceding the day of Eid-ul-fitr. This night has been named in a Hadith as the Night of Reward (Lailatul Jaiza). Almighty bestows his rewards on those who have spent the month of Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shari'ah, and all their prayers in this night are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to perform nafl prayers in this night. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is reported to have said:
Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting rewards from his Lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die. (Ibn Majah) To benefit from this opportunity, one should perform as much worship in this night as he can, and should pray for all his needs and desires.
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Before Going to Eid PrayerThe following acts are prescribed as Sunnah at the beginning of the day of 'Eid-ul-Fitr before proceeding to the Eid prayer:
1. To wake up early in the morning.
2. To clean one's teeth with a Miswaak or a brush.
3. To take a bath.
4. To put on one's best available clothes.
5. To wear perfume.
6. To eat a sweet food, preferably dates, before the Eid prayer.
7. To recite the following Takbir in the low voice while going to the 'Eid prayer:
Back to TopAllahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Ila Allah Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahi Alhamd
Sadaqat-ul-fitrSadaqat-ul-fitr is an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, who owns 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent, either in the form of money, ornaments, stock-in-trade, or in the form of some goods or commodities beyond one's normal needs. Every person who owns such an amount has to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr, not only on behalf of himself but also on behalf of his minor children. The prescribed amount of Sadaqat-ul-fitr is 1.75 Kilograms of wheat or its value in money. This amount is prescribed for paying Sadaqat-ul-fitr for one person only. If a person has some minor children, the same amount has to be paid on behalf of each one of them separately. The following points must be remembered concerning the payment of Sadaqat-ul-fitr.
1. Sadaqat-ul-fitr is obligated on each adult male or female separately, and the relevant adult person himself is responsible to pay it. The husband is not required to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of his wife nor is the wife supposed to pay it on behalf of her husband. Similarly, a father is not bound to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of his adult children or vice-versa. However, if the head of the family, by his own free will, wishes to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr for each one of the members of his family, he should seek their authorization for that purpose. In this case the Sadaqat-ul-fitr paid by him will be valid on their behalf. If he did not pay the Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of any of the members of his family, he will not be responsible for it. Rather, it is the duty of every adult member of the family to discharge his own obligation or to request the head of the family to pay it on his or her behalf. Back to Top
2. It is a Sunnah that the Sadaqat-ul-fitr is paid before performing the 'Eid prayer. It can also be paid before the 'Eid day, but it is not advisable to delay it up to the performance of'Eid prayer. However, if a person has failed to pay on its proper time, he should pay it as soon as possible, whereby the obligation will stand discharged.
3. The Sadaqat-ul-fitr is not necessary on behalf of a child who was born after the break of dawn in the 'Eid day, nor is it necessary to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of a person who dies before the dawn of the Eid day.
4. Sadaqat-ul-fitr should be paid only to a person who is entitled to receive Zakah.
The 'Eid Prayer
The second obligation on 'Eid day is to perform the 'Eid prayer. Some rules in this respect are mentioned hereunder:
1. The Eid prayer is Wajib (obligatory) on every male Muslim.
2. The Eid prayer can be performed any time between the Ishraq and Zawal.
3. It is preferable that the 'Eid prayer is performed at an open field and not in a mosque. However, if, it is difficult for any reason to perform it in an open field, it can also be performed in a big mosque.
4. It is not advisable to hold the 'Eid prayer in every mosque, rather it is preferable that the people from several small mosques get together to either perform it in an open field or, in its absence, in a big mosque which can accommodate a large number of people.
5. No Nafl Salah can be performed before the 'Eid prayer, neither in one's home, nor at the place of' Eid prayer. Similarly, Nafl prayer cannot be performed after the Eid prayer at the same place. However, it can be performed after one comes back to his home.
6. The Eid prayer has neither Adhan nor Iqamah.
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How to Perform Eid Prayer
The Eid Prayer has two rak'ah to perform in the normal way, with the only addition of six takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first rak'ah, and three of them just before ruku' in the second rak'ah. The detailed way of performing the 'Eid prayer is as follows:
The Imam will begin the prayer without Adhan or Iqamah. He will begin the prayer by reciting takbir of Tahrimah (Allahu Akbar). You should raise your hands up to the ears, and reciting the takbir, you give a little pause during which you should recite Thana' (Subhanak Allahumma.......)· After the completion of Thana' the Imam will recite takbir (Allahu Akbar) three times, and after reciting each Takbir (Allahu Akbar) in a low voice, you should bring your hands down and leave them earthwards. But, after the third takbir, you should set them at the level of your navel as you do in the normal prayer.
After these three takbirs the Imam will recite the Holy Qur'an, which you should listen quietly. The rest of the rak'ah will be performed in the normal way.
After rising for the second rak'ah, the Imam will begin the recitations from the Qur'an during which you should remain calm and quiet. When the Imam finishes his recitation, he will recite three takbirs once again, but this time it will be before bowing down for ruku'. At each takbir you should raise your hands up to the ears, and after saying "Allahu Akbar' bring them down and leave them earthwards. After these three takbirs have been called and completed, the Imam will say another takbir for bowing down into the ruku' position. At this takbir you need not raise your hands. You just bow down for your ruku' saying, 'Allahu Akbar'. The rest of the Salah will be performed in its usual way.
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Khutbah: The Address of 'Eid-ul-fitr
In this Salah, Khutbah is a Sunnah and is delivered after the Salah, unlike the Salah of Jumu'ah where it is Fard and is delivered before the Salah. However, listening to the Khutbah of 'Eid Salah is wajib or necessary and must be heard in perfect peace and silence.
It is a sunnah that the Imam begins the first Khutba by reciting takbirs 'Allahu Akbar' nine times and the second Khutbah with reciting it seven times.
Note: The way of 'Eid prayer described above is according to the Hanafi school of Muslim jurists. Some other jurists, like Imam Shafi'i, have some other ways to perform it. They recite Takbir twelve times before beginning the recitations from the Holy Qur'an in both rak'ah. This way is also permissible. If the Imam, being of the Shafi'i school, follows this way, you can also follow him. Both ways are based on the practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
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Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwal
It is commendable to keep six fasts in the month of Shawwal. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, has said:
Whoever completes fasts of Ramadan then adds to them the fast of six days in the month of Shawwal, it will carry the thawab of fasting for the whole year. (Sahih Muslim) This hadith had described the great thawab of six fasts of this month. Therefore, the Muslims should take this opportunity of acquiring such an enormous reward from Allah. It is more preferable to start these fasts from the 2nd of Shawwal and keep fasting up to the 7th of it. However, if, they are kept in other days, it is hoped that the requirement of the above hadith may also be fulfilled.
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24 August 2011
[MUST LISTEN] 25 new bayanat of Hazrat Shaikh qamruzzama sb Ilahabadi(d.b)
alhamdulillah we uploaded 25 new bayanat of Hazrat Shaikh qamruzzama sb Ilahabadi(d.b) which were delivered during this ramzan in Allahabad(U.P) Khanqah and then Kanthariya (Gujarat) khanqah.
all bayanat are full of tasawwuf.plz must listen then.
for listen/download plz click HERE or see our website www.attablig.com
alhamdulillah we uploaded 25 new bayanat of Hazrat Shaikh qamruzzama sb Ilahabadi(d.b) which were delivered during this ramzan in Allahabad(U.P) Khanqah and then Kanthariya (Gujarat) khanqah.
all bayanat are full of tasawwuf.plz must listen then.
for listen/download plz click HERE or see our website www.attablig.com
23 August 2011
[daily live video] bayanat and zikr majlis
Assalamu alaikum
shaikhul hadis hazrat moulana hanif sb luharvi delivers 2 bayan and zikr majlis in masjid e abubakar - scarborough daily,all talks are live in video.
after Asar (4.00 AM indian time)
after Tarawih (8.45 AM indian time)
Zikr Majlis after fajar (2.30 PM indian time)
plz see this link:
shaikhul hadis hazrat moulana hanif sb luharvi delivers 2 bayan and zikr majlis in masjid e abubakar - scarborough daily,all talks are live in video.
after Asar (4.00 AM indian time)
after Tarawih (8.45 AM indian time)
Zikr Majlis after fajar (2.30 PM indian time)
plz see this link:
21 August 2011
[MUST LISTEN] Quame - Jalse me itminan zaruri he(short clip) BY Mo.Saad sb(d.b)
Assalamu alaikum w.w
plz must listen this short clip by Mo.Saad sb(d.b) about Quame - Jalse me itminan zaruri
This bayan was delivered after fajar in markaz nizamuddin on 28th april 2010.
efforts through out the day and his blessed feet getting swollen due to long Qiyam. He exhausted himself in Ibaadah, because exhausting onself in Ibaadah after Dawah is like protecting one's earnings.
All Arkan should be performed with the respective Azkar. One should never leave all the proven Azkar from Sunnah in any Fardh or Nafil, he gave an example of a quite long Zikr for Qaumah. It's claimed that Ahnaf say that these Azkar are for the Nawafil and the Imam is not obliged to recite them, but in reality (proper) Qaumah and Jalsah are not possible without them. Maulana sahab [DB] likes the fact about the Shafi'i method of Salah, that compared to the Ahnaf these Azkar are wajib. Amongst us (Ahnaf) these Azkar are not practised, thus no (proper) Qaumah and Jalsah are performed. Although it's narrated in a Hadith, that Allah does not even look at the Salah of a person who does not straighten his back after rising again from Ruku'.
Then he expresses his delight over reading Maulana Fadhlur Rahman 'Azmi [DB]'s treatise on the Wujub of Qaumah and Jalsah, and asked Allah ta'ala to reward him for that. He wishes from his heart that every worker should have a copy. It's a small treatise on the Wujub of Qaumah and Jalsah and the proofs for the Masnoon Azkar in these positions. In general he says the correct performance of Qaumah and Jalsah amongst Ahnaf is coming to an end. Whichever place Maulana has to go and pray as Muqtadi, he finds no satisfactoriness. Because whoever is not convinced of gaining success through Salah will not understand the importance of it's Arkan. External duties will force him to rush (through his Salah). Maulana (Ilyas or Yusuf
) used to say, that the person who combines Amal and Asbab in Yaqeen will never gain conviction on Amaal. And they are not able to benefit from Allah's being through such Amaal. (They say
"Yes, Amal exist and Asbab exist also. We've to take both with us." We have no room for such a statement. Allah grants success ONLY on behalf of Amaal. One should propagate this which such an energy, that one experiences the internal conviction to change from means/situations to the commandments (of Allah). On the other hand, thinking that we leave Asbab is also wrong. Allah has put asbaab in our fitrah. The same way one needs to sleep when tired and eat when hungry, doing tijarat is a natural requirement. It'll be fulfilled, and there's no one to leave tijarat. His necessities will draw the person towards tijarat themselves. But if one mixes Asbaab and Amaal, one will never complete his conviction on Amaal. The Taleem of Fazail and Muntakhab Ahadeeth is for that purpose. To create every doer's conviction (on his actions).
(jazakallah br.true life of SF for ur summary)
note: plz download that book about which moulana saad sb praised in this bayan is HERE
plz must listen this short clip by Mo.Saad sb(d.b) about Quame - Jalse me itminan zaruri
This bayan was delivered after fajar in markaz nizamuddin on 28th april 2010.
Summary of bayan:
It's necessary to rectify one's Salah. Ruku and Sajdah are commonly made very hasty, even by old workers and those who have spent 4-months. Qauma & Jalsah are (almost) non-existent. You will find (almost) no places where Salah is performed properly, no matter if Imam or Muqtadi. People are not aware of the wujub of Qauma and Jalsah, thus it's a common thing amongst them to rush in their Salah. Therefore we should train our own Salah and make our saathis trains their Salah. We should perform long Qauma and Jalsah, because there's no greater means to gain closeness to Allah than Salah. Today we rush through our Salah, because we need to do Mashwarah. We rush through our Salah, because we need to go for Gasht. Astonishing, the Dawah through which we were supposed to perfect our Ibaadah, we go propagating after ruining our Salah. Then he mentions Rasulullah 
All Arkan should be performed with the respective Azkar. One should never leave all the proven Azkar from Sunnah in any Fardh or Nafil, he gave an example of a quite long Zikr for Qaumah. It's claimed that Ahnaf say that these Azkar are for the Nawafil and the Imam is not obliged to recite them, but in reality (proper) Qaumah and Jalsah are not possible without them. Maulana sahab [DB] likes the fact about the Shafi'i method of Salah, that compared to the Ahnaf these Azkar are wajib. Amongst us (Ahnaf) these Azkar are not practised, thus no (proper) Qaumah and Jalsah are performed. Although it's narrated in a Hadith, that Allah does not even look at the Salah of a person who does not straighten his back after rising again from Ruku'.
Then he expresses his delight over reading Maulana Fadhlur Rahman 'Azmi [DB]'s treatise on the Wujub of Qaumah and Jalsah, and asked Allah ta'ala to reward him for that. He wishes from his heart that every worker should have a copy. It's a small treatise on the Wujub of Qaumah and Jalsah and the proofs for the Masnoon Azkar in these positions. In general he says the correct performance of Qaumah and Jalsah amongst Ahnaf is coming to an end. Whichever place Maulana has to go and pray as Muqtadi, he finds no satisfactoriness. Because whoever is not convinced of gaining success through Salah will not understand the importance of it's Arkan. External duties will force him to rush (through his Salah). Maulana (Ilyas or Yusuf


(jazakallah br.true life of SF for ur summary)
note: plz download that book about which moulana saad sb praised in this bayan is HERE
20 August 2011
Virtues Of Itikaaf
Virtues Of Itikaaf
By A Student Of Darul Uloom, Holcombe, Bury
By A Student Of Darul Uloom, Holcombe, Bury
We praise Allah and send blessings and salutations upon His Noble Messenger

It used to be the general practice of the Messenger of Allah

Ibn Abbas t relates that the Messenger of Allah

(Ibn Majah)
This hadith mentions two great benefits of Itikaaf. The first is that the person performing Itikaaf avoids sins. The world around us is full of temptations and more often than not one falls into them. To commit sins in this blessed month is indeed a great injustice to ourselves. Through remaining secluded in the masjid, one completely avoids the temptation of doing a sin.
Another benefit is that when one is secluded in the masjid, one is apparently at a disadvantage by not being able to perform certain good deeds like joining in funeral prayers, attending burials, visiting the sick, etc. But according to this hadith, one is rewarded for even those deeds which he could not perform as a result of his Itikaaf. May Allah make it possible for us to fully benefit from Itikaaf.
May Allah Almighty reward all who assisted in putting this information together and may He approve this humble effort and make it beneficial to the readers.
The purpose of our creation is to worship our Creator.
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.
(Surah 51)
This verse is telling us that Allah created man for His worship, and that He will reward him fully for his obedience but will punish him for His disobedience. This verse also makes clear the fact that we are dependent upon Him for our survival while he has no need for us. This point has also been made in a hadith, recorded by Ahmad in which the Prophet

One of the most effective ways of carrying out this command is by performing Itikaaf since it is one of the most efficient means of fulfilling the purpose of worship.
Mankind has been created to worship Allah. Islam has designated many forms of worship for the fulfilment of this aim. Itikaaf enjoys superiority over other methods of worship because it encompasses many other forms of worship within itself.
There are three types of Itikaaf.
1. Itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan. This is sunnah.
2. Itikaaf on any other day is nafl (voluntary).
3. Itikaaf as a result of a vow (e.g. someone vowed that if a certain desire of his/her was fulfilled, he/she would perform Itikaaf for two days.). The performance of this Itikaaf is waajib (necessary).
Benefits Of Itikaaf
A person doing Itikaaf (mutakif) will be able to perform his salat on time with congregation hence acquiring the reward of salat with congregation, which is twenty-seven times more than performing it alone. On the other hand the layman outside will not attain this great reward with such consistency because of distractions and preoccupation especially in this modern age.
1. Itikaaf makes it easy to perform salat with full devotion because the mutakif breaks all ties with the outside world and is in a state of tranquillity, where he is free from everything that diverts him from Allah’s remembrance. This leaves him to focus his mind solely towards Allah’s obedience and happiness.
And seek help in patience and As-salat (the prayer) and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khaashi’un (i.e. the true believers in Allah – those who obey Allah with full submission, fear much from His punishment, and believe in His Promise and in His Warning). (They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord, and that unto Him they are going to return.
(Surah 2)
Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allah has forbidden).
(Surah 23)
2. More voluntary prayers will be performed by a mutakif because his aim is to worship his Lord and to build up a close tie with Him and the best way of achieving this is by performing salat.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah

Ubaadah ibn Saamit narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah

3. Another benefit of Itikaaf is that the mutakif can perform his prayer in the first row. It is very easy for him to derive the full benefit of offering prayer in this row.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah

4. The mutakif gains the reward of waiting for salat. The Prophet

5. One benefit of Itikaaf is that it makes a person accustomed to staying in the masjid for a long period and creates an attachment between him and the masajid. The Prophet

6. It becomes easy to perform the Tahajjud prayer. Normally, this is very difficult for a person because Satan tries hard to stop a person from offering this prayer and deprive him of its great reward.
1. The performance of Itikaaf during the last ten days or Ramadhan is a sunnah muakkadah alal kifaya (a sunnah which has to be observed by at least one person from the locality for its fulfilment or else the entire locality will be sinful for negligence of this sunnah).
2. Itikaaf should be done in a masjid where the five times daily prayers are held.
3. A woman can designate a place for salat in her house and observe Itikaaf there and she will acquire the same reward as one performing Itikaaf in the masjid.
4. One should refrain from idle talk during Itikaaf.
5. One performing Itikaaf should not unnecessarily go outside the boundaries of the masjid as this will nullify his Itikaaf.
6. One can go outside to answer the call of nature or for a necessary bath (e.g. because of a wet dream etc). Similarly if there is no one to bring food from home, one can go home to eat.
7. A person can go to perform Jumah prayer in another mosque if it is not held in the mosque in which he is observing Itikaaf. He will have to return as soon as he has completed his Jumah prayer.
8. If a person accidentally leaves the masjid in which he is observing Itikaaf, this will nullify his Itikaaf.
9. To indulge in unnecessary worldly activities during Itikaaf is makrooh-e-tahrimi (close to forbidden)
10. To remain completely silent during Itikaaf is not permissible. If one remains silent after zikr and recitation, this is fine. Remaining silent is not a form of worship.
11. The sunnah of observing Itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan will only be fulfilled, if the mutakif enters the masjid with the intention of Itikaaf before the fsun-set of the twentieth of Ramadhan
12. Fasting is a prerequisite of Itikaaf. The nullification of the fast will result in the nullification of the Itikaaf.
13. The intention of Itikaaf can be made in the heart but it is better to do it with the tongue.
Question 1
Can Itikaaf only be done during the last ten days of Ramadhan or can it also be done during the first and middle ten days of Ramadhan?
The observance of Itikaaf is not restricted to the last ten days of Ramadhan. A person wishing to perform Itikaaf during the entire month of Ramadhan is at liberty to do so, as this is also a sunnah. To clarify this matter, Imam Bukhari, entitled a chapter in his celebrated book, ‘Bukhari’ ‘The chapter on performing Itikaaf during the middle ten days of Ramadhan’. Under this chapter, he has narrated a hadith from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet


Abu Saeed Khudri narrates that the Prophet


It is because of this tradition that the fuqahaa (Islamic jurist) have said that this is the sunnah. This is precisely why many of the scholars and saints have made it a habit to perform Itikaaf during the entire month of Ramadhan. However it must be pointed out that the observance of Itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan is an emphasised sunnah (a sunnah which must be observed by at least one member of the locality or else the entire locality will be sinful). This is why special importance is attached to its observance during the last ten days.
Itikaaf is not only restricted to Ramadhan but can in fact be performed during the entire year. Imam Bukhari too has indicated towards this permissibility, by entitling a chapter, ‘The chapter on performing Itikaaf during Shawwaal’. (Fathul-Baari, p.284 vol,5. Umdatul-Qari, p.156 vol,11). We also learn from a tradition appearing in the ‘Sihah Sittah’ that the Prophet

Question 2
Is Itikaaf correct in the mosques of Britain (places of worship, where the five times daily prayers are held)?
Before answering this question, it would be of great benefit if we had insight into some basic issues.
If a locality does not have a purpose built mosque but the residents of that locality rent a place to perform prayers in congregation, it will be correct for a person to observe Itikaaf in this particular place. All the rules and conditions of a mosque will also apply to him. This issue has been clarified further by the following query which appears in Fataawa Alamghiri.
‘A woman can designate a spot in her house for doing Itikaaf instead of going to the mosque. This particular place will be a substitute for the mosque and in this spot she will be subject to all the rules and conditions which would normally apply to her in the mosque. For example the woman cannot leave this spot without a genuine cause e.g. to relieve herself.’
The Grand Mufti of Gujraat, Hazrat Maulana Sayyed Abdur Rahim sahib has also mentioned that Itikaaf is correct in such places. (Fataawa Rahimiyyah, p.209 vol,5). Similarly, Itikaaf is also correct in a mosque where only two or three congregational prayers are held daily, providing all five prayers are held in congregation during Ramadhan. A similar fatwa was issued by Mufti Rashid Ludhyanwi in Ahsanul Fataawa. This matter has also been explained in great detail in Raddul Mukhtaar (p.140 vol,2).
There is a consensus amongst the fuqahaa (Islamic jurists) that Itikaaf is correct in a mosque where only the Jumah Prayer is held. (See Fataawa Shaami and Alamghiri)
In short, in this country it is correct to perform Itikaaf in a place which is treated like a mosque and where the five daily prayers are regularly held. The practice of our elders and scholars bear testimony to this. In fact if a person performs Itikaaf in such a place during the last ten days of Ramadhan, this will suffice the people of that locality from the Itikaaf which is sunnah muakkadah. On the other hand if no one performs Itikaaf then the entire locality will be sinful. This is also the view of the Grand Mufti of Gujraat. (Fataawa Rahimiyyah, p.209, vol,5)
(taken from http://www.inter-islam.org/Lifestyle/Itikaaf.html)
18 August 2011
many bayanat about ramzan by hazrat haji shakil ahmed sb d.b
new part of bayan about nafs and many bayanat about ramzan by hazrat haji shakil ahmed sb d.b
[khalifa of mufti hanif sb jonpuri d.b] uploaded now.
plz see http://shariat.info/
new part of bayan about nafs and many bayanat about ramzan by hazrat haji shakil ahmed sb d.b
[khalifa of mufti hanif sb jonpuri d.b] uploaded now.
plz see http://shariat.info/
17 August 2011
short summary of daurah e tafsir by shaikhul tafsir wl hadis hazrat mufti zarwali khan sb db
Assalamu alaikum w.w
plz see this link regularly for short summary of daurah e tafsir by shaikhul tafsir wl hadis hazrat mufti zarwali khan sb db during ramzan 2011,we will add next summary in this link regularly i.a
for download/listen live plz see
plz see this link regularly for short summary of daurah e tafsir by shaikhul tafsir wl hadis hazrat mufti zarwali khan sb db during ramzan 2011,we will add next summary in this link regularly i.a
for download/listen live plz see
14 August 2011
Shaikhul hadis hazrat moulana hanif sb luharvi (d.b)'s bayanat live/download
Assalamu alaikum w.w
Our beloved Shaikhul hadis hazrat moulana hanif sb luharvi (d.b) is in Masjid Darus salam,Toronto-Canada now till 20th ramzan.
Hazrat is delivering 2 talks every day,
after salate Asar(06:45 pm) and After tarawih(11.15 pm) local time
Click here to convert to your local time zone
For listen live these talks at :
for download all bayanat plz see this link regularly:
Our beloved Shaikhul hadis hazrat moulana hanif sb luharvi (d.b) is in Masjid Darus salam,Toronto-Canada now till 20th ramzan.
Hazrat is delivering 2 talks every day,
after salate Asar(06:45 pm) and After tarawih(11.15 pm) local time
Click here to convert to your local time zone
For listen live these talks at :
for download all bayanat plz see this link regularly:
13 August 2011
23-07-2011 | KOSAMBA |
16-07-2011 | KHOLWAD |
27-06-2011 | HATHODA |
16-06-2011 | KADODARA |
14-06-2011 | NAVSARI |
10 August 2011
very useful videoes about taqlid of imams
Are you a Muslim or a Hanafi?
Do you follow the Prophet or Imam Abu Hanifa?
Sahih hadith OR Imam's opinion?
The Legacy of Imam Abu Hanifa- Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq
Taraweeh 20 or 20? By Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq
A Description of Taqleed - Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq
Great Muqallids of the past- Sheikh Ahmed Ali
Follow Allah, the Messenger and the Scholars
Why follow a madhab instead of sahih hadith?
09 August 2011
Special Instructions for Ramadan – How to Attain the True Blessings of Fasting
Source: Lectures of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar Ul Haq Sahab Hardoee R.A – Khalifa Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A
Things to do in Ramadan
1) Frequent recitation of Kalima e Tayyiba2) Excessive Istaghfaar
3) Supplications for Jannah
4) Asking for protection from Hell
5) Excessive recitation of the Holy Quran. Also, excessive recitation of Durood Sharif, if possible at least 300 times or as many times as possible.
6) Offering Fardh Salah with congregation and Takbir e Ula
7) Going early for Isha Salah and Taraweeh (20 Rakaat)
8 ) Spending free time in the mosque with the intention of Etikaaf.
9) Spending on charity, as much as possible conveniently.
10) Strictly guarding the tongue from any useless talk. Avoid any unnecessary worldly talks.
11) Strictly abstaining from all sins specially watching TV, movies/cinema, back biting, listening to music, unnecessary use of the internet, mixed gatherings of na mehram men and women, women not practicing the veil, using foul language and swearing, shaving or trimming of beard to less than one fist length and other such sins should be very strictly avoided otherwise such a Roza / Saum would not hold any value before Allah(SWT). It is narrated in Hadith:
“Fasting is a shield against Hell unless one breaks it. Breaking it means committing sins” (Mishkat Sharif)
Note: We need to understand that during fasting, we even abstain from basic necessities such as food and water. Cigarette and other types of addictions which are usually hard to leave are also thrown away during fasting only in compliance with the commands of Allah(SWT) and in order to gain the blessings of fasting. How foolish then it would be to ruin our fasts by committing sins and other unlawful acts.

It is narrated in Ahadith that those who do not abstain from unlawful and sinful acts during fasting, Allah(SWT) does not care for their mere starving. Allah(SWT) helps those who strive in his path. A person who was a smoker for the last 20 years left it when he heard that it is extremely shameful to pollute the same tongue and mouth which we use to recite the Holy Quran and Durood Sharif. He just made intention and Allah(SWT) helped him. Another person, during my stay in London, immediately quit smoking when he heard the same thing. Masha Allah both of them have been steadfast in their intentions and Allah(SWT) has helped them.
Similarly, in this blessed month:
1) Keeping Sunnah Beard
One should make the intention to keep Sunnah Beard (which is wajib) up to one fist in length. Afterwards, look at yourself in the mirror and decide for yourself. Insha Allah you would realize that your face would be glowing with the noor of Sunnah. This is such a grave sin that the person who commits it is regarded as a continuous sinner. If somebody commits adultery, theft or murder in the darkness of night, nobody would know it in the morning. But by shaving off the beard, one can be identified as a sinner even during prayers, hajj and is deprived off the blessings of Allah(SWT).Many people keep their beard up to one fist in length from the front, but trim it off from the sides on the cheeks. That is totally incorrect. It is mandatory (wajib) to keep beard up to one fist in length from the front as well as from both the sides.
2) Observing Hijaab / Veil / Pardah
Men and Women should observe Sharaee Pardah from all strange (na mehram) Women and Men respectively. (for details refer to Bahishti Zewar by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A). Over here, only those na mehram relatives are being mentioned who are usually not considered as ne mehram even by many religious families.Na Mehram Women For Men:
- Brother’s Wife
- Wife’s Sister
- Female Cousins
- Aunties (excluding sisters of parents)
- Sister’s Husband
- Husband’s Brother
- Male Cousins
- Uncles (excluding brothers of parents)
3) Abstaining from Back Biting / Gheebat
Make special effort to abstain from Back Biting as it kills the spirit of Fasting.4) Protecting Gaze (for both Men and Women)
Gaze should also be strictly guarded from strange (Na Mehram) Men and Women as it is one of the “Poisonous Arrows” of Iblees which deprives one of the blessings of prayers and worship.May Allah(SWT) help us in acting upon these points.
07 August 2011
new updates on 07-08-2011
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Hamare Akabir ki qurbaniya & Tafsir S.Duha ,Bradford 05-08 |
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Allah se Umeed or Khouf (Jummah Bayan),Bradford 05-08-11 |
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Niyyat ki ahmiyat- Masjide Quba,Bradford 04-08-2011 |
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Allah ki sakhawat aur Rehmat- Bradford 03-0-2011 |
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Quran ka Ramazan sai ta'aluk Bradford 02-0-2011 |
Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) | Azeem Ummat - Masjide Quba,Bradford 01-08-2011 |
Qari Ahmed ali(d.b) | Jumma salat,khutba - Bhaji Wali Masjid,Surat 22-07-2011 |
Qari Ahmed ali(d.b) | Jumma salat,khutba - Masjid E Hira,Surat 12-07-2011 |
Qari Ahmed ali(d.b) | Jumma salat,khutba - Udhna 24-06-2011 |
Qari Ahmed ali(d.b) | Navsari 14-06-2011 |
Mo.Abdullah Kapodrwi(d.b) | Bayan after Tarawih-Kapodara Khanqah 04-08-2011 |
Mo.Abdullah Kapodrwi(d.b) | Bayan after Tarawih-Kapodara Khanqah 03-08-2011 |
Mo.Abdullah Kapodrwi(d.b) | Bayan after Tarawih-Kapodara Khanqah 02-08-2011 |
Mo.Abdullah Kapodrwi(d.b) | Bayan after Tarawih-Kapodara Khanqah 01-08-2011 |
04 August 2011
Live:Salaat From The Prophets Mosque And From Masjid Al Haram-24 hr
Taraweeh Prayers Will Be Led By The Following Imams At The Grand Mosque 2011 Ramadhan- Masjid Haram:
Shaykh Abdullah al Juhany
Shaykh Abdul Rahmaan al Sudais
Shaykh Saood al Shuraym
Shaykh Maahir al Muayqali
1st Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Saalih Muhammad Aal Talib
2nd Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Usaamah Abdullah Al Khayyaath
3rd Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
4th Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
Salaat al Eid: Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
The Tahajjud ( Late Night Prayers ) Led By The Following Imams At The Grand Mosque 2011 Ramadhan - Masjid Haram
Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
Sheikh Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Aziz As Sudais
Taraweeh Prayers Will Be Led By The Following Imams At The Grand Mosque 2011 Ramadhan - Masjid Nabawi:
Sheikh Ali Abdur Rahmaan Al Hudhaifiyy
Sheikh Abdul Musin Muhammad Al Qaasim
Sheikh Hussain Abdul Aziz Aal Sheikh
Sheikh Salaah Muhammad Al Budair
Link 1 http://www.muslimtents.com/iharam/SunnaTV.html
Link 2 http://haramaintv.blogspot.com/searc...inah%20Live%29
Link 3 http://www.islambox.tv/web-tv
Link 4 http://ar.justin.tv/anachedtv2#/w/1546516400/3
Link 5 mms://
Link 6 http://www.youtube.com/user/SaudiSunnahTV - Has Been Taken Over By Another User
Fajr Salaat = 2:35am GMT APPROX
Zuhr Salaat = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Asr Salaat = 2:10pm GMT APPROX
Maghrib Salaat = 5:15pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat = 6:50pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat In Ramadhan = 7:15pm GMT APPROX
Taraweeh Salaat = 7:30pm GMT APPROX
Jummah = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Link 1 http://www.muslimtents.com/iharam/QuranTV.html
Link 2 http://haramaintv.blogspot.com/searc...%20Al%20Kareem
Link 3 http://www.islambox.tv/web-tv
Link 4 http://live.gph.gov.sa/index.htm
Link 5 http://live.gph.gov.sa/cam4_flash.html
Link 6 http://ar.justin.tv/bidayatv#/w/1538922656/22
Link 7 mms://
Link 8 http://www.youtube.com/makkahlive Best Link
Fajr Salaat = 2:30am GMT APPROX
Zuhr Salaat = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Asr Salaat = 2:00pm GMT APPROX
Maghrib Salaat = 5:10pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat = 6:45pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat In Ramadhan = 7:10pm GMT APPROX
Taraweeh Salaat = 7:30pm GMT APPROX
Jummah = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Masjidul Haraam:
1. Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
2. Sheikh Usaamah Abdullah Al Khayyaath
3. Sheikh Faisal Jameel Al Ghazzaawi
4. Sheikh Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Aziz As Sudais
5. Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
6. Sheikh Khalid Ali Al Ghamidi
7. Sheikh Maahir Hamad Al Mu'ayqali
8. Sheikh Saalih Muhammad Aal Talib
9. Sheikh Abdullah Awwaad Al Juhany
Masjidun Nabawiyy:
1. Sheikh Ali Abdur Rahmaan Al Hudhaifiyy
2. Sheikh Abdul Baari Awwaad Ath Thubayty
3. Sheikh Hussain Abdul Aziz Aal Sheikh
4. Sheikh Salaah Muhammad Al Budair
5. Sheikh Abdul Musin Muhammad Al Qaasim
Watch All The Khutba Salaats And Khutbah Again - http://www.youtube.com/user/makkah#g/u
http://www.youtube.com/user/radiantdrops - Taraweeh Videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQlvt...eature=related - Old Rare Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1XOs...eature=related - Sheikh Naif Adhan
Recording Of Daily Salaat:
1. www.haramainrecordings.com
2. www.muslimtents.com/iharam
3. www.islam-fr.com
Shaykh Abdullah al Juhany
Shaykh Abdul Rahmaan al Sudais
Shaykh Saood al Shuraym
Shaykh Maahir al Muayqali
1st Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Saalih Muhammad Aal Talib
2nd Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Usaamah Abdullah Al Khayyaath
3rd Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
4th Jumuah In Ramadhan: Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
Salaat al Eid: Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
The Tahajjud ( Late Night Prayers ) Led By The Following Imams At The Grand Mosque 2011 Ramadhan - Masjid Haram
Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
Sheikh Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Aziz As Sudais
Taraweeh Prayers Will Be Led By The Following Imams At The Grand Mosque 2011 Ramadhan - Masjid Nabawi:
Sheikh Ali Abdur Rahmaan Al Hudhaifiyy
Sheikh Abdul Musin Muhammad Al Qaasim
Sheikh Hussain Abdul Aziz Aal Sheikh
Sheikh Salaah Muhammad Al Budair
Link 1 http://www.muslimtents.com/iharam/SunnaTV.html
Link 2 http://haramaintv.blogspot.com/searc...inah%20Live%29
Link 3 http://www.islambox.tv/web-tv
Link 4 http://ar.justin.tv/anachedtv2#/w/1546516400/3
Link 5 mms://
Link 6 http://www.youtube.com/user/SaudiSunnahTV - Has Been Taken Over By Another User
Fajr Salaat = 2:35am GMT APPROX
Zuhr Salaat = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Asr Salaat = 2:10pm GMT APPROX
Maghrib Salaat = 5:15pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat = 6:50pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat In Ramadhan = 7:15pm GMT APPROX
Taraweeh Salaat = 7:30pm GMT APPROX
Jummah = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Link 1 http://www.muslimtents.com/iharam/QuranTV.html
Link 2 http://haramaintv.blogspot.com/searc...%20Al%20Kareem
Link 3 http://www.islambox.tv/web-tv
Link 4 http://live.gph.gov.sa/index.htm
Link 5 http://live.gph.gov.sa/cam4_flash.html
Link 6 http://ar.justin.tv/bidayatv#/w/1538922656/22
Link 7 mms://
Link 8 http://www.youtube.com/makkahlive Best Link
Fajr Salaat = 2:30am GMT APPROX
Zuhr Salaat = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Asr Salaat = 2:00pm GMT APPROX
Maghrib Salaat = 5:10pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat = 6:45pm GMT APPROX
Isha Salaat In Ramadhan = 7:10pm GMT APPROX
Taraweeh Salaat = 7:30pm GMT APPROX
Jummah = 10:30am GMT APPROX
Masjidul Haraam:
1. Sheikh Saalih Abdullah bin Humaid
2. Sheikh Usaamah Abdullah Al Khayyaath
3. Sheikh Faisal Jameel Al Ghazzaawi
4. Sheikh Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Aziz As Sudais
5. Sheikh Sa'ood Ibraheem Ash Shuraim
6. Sheikh Khalid Ali Al Ghamidi
7. Sheikh Maahir Hamad Al Mu'ayqali
8. Sheikh Saalih Muhammad Aal Talib
9. Sheikh Abdullah Awwaad Al Juhany
Masjidun Nabawiyy:
1. Sheikh Ali Abdur Rahmaan Al Hudhaifiyy
2. Sheikh Abdul Baari Awwaad Ath Thubayty
3. Sheikh Hussain Abdul Aziz Aal Sheikh
4. Sheikh Salaah Muhammad Al Budair
5. Sheikh Abdul Musin Muhammad Al Qaasim
Watch All The Khutba Salaats And Khutbah Again - http://www.youtube.com/user/makkah#g/u
http://www.youtube.com/user/radiantdrops - Taraweeh Videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQlvt...eature=related - Old Rare Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1XOs...eature=related - Sheikh Naif Adhan
Recording Of Daily Salaat:
1. www.haramainrecordings.com
2. www.muslimtents.com/iharam
3. www.islam-fr.com
03 August 2011
new part of bayan about nafs by hazrat haji shakil ahmed sb d.b
new part of bayan about nafs and ramzan by hazrat haji shakil ahmed sb d.b
[khalifa of mufti hanif sb jonpuri d.b] uploaded now.
plz see http://shariat.info/
[khalifa of mufti hanif sb jonpuri d.b] uploaded now.
plz see http://shariat.info/
[LIVE] bayanat from different speakers in ramzan
Assalamu alaikum v.v
Plz listen live these broadcastes in ramzan and increase ur imaan
remember us in ur special duas
Speaker : Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat sb(d.b)
Link : http://idauk.org/listen.html
Speaker : Hazrat Mufti Zarwali khan sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.ahsanululoom.com/
Speaker : Shaykh Riyazul Haq sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.akacademy.eu/
Speaker : Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed sb(d.b)
Link :http://www.islamicspirituality.org/l.../english-dawra
Speaker : Hazrat Mufti Abdur Rauf Skaharvi Sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.nooresunnat.com/
Speaker : Haz.Mufti Mahmud Bardoli sb(d.b)
Link : https://sites.google.com/site/juned4uorg/live-relay
Speaker : Haji Shakeel Ahmad sb(d.b)
Link : http://shariat.info/LiveBayans.html
Speaker : Hazrat Maulana Munir Ahmad sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.faizanehaleem.com/
Plz listen live these broadcastes in ramzan and increase ur imaan
remember us in ur special duas
Speaker : Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat sb(d.b)
Link : http://idauk.org/listen.html
Speaker : Hazrat Mufti Zarwali khan sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.ahsanululoom.com/
Speaker : Shaykh Riyazul Haq sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.akacademy.eu/
Speaker : Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed sb(d.b)
Link :http://www.islamicspirituality.org/l.../english-dawra
Speaker : Hazrat Mufti Abdur Rauf Skaharvi Sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.nooresunnat.com/
Speaker : Haz.Mufti Mahmud Bardoli sb(d.b)
Link : https://sites.google.com/site/juned4uorg/live-relay
Speaker : Haji Shakeel Ahmad sb(d.b)
Link : http://shariat.info/LiveBayans.html
Speaker : Hazrat Maulana Munir Ahmad sb(d.b)
Link : http://www.faizanehaleem.com/
01 August 2011
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