24 February 2014

Nellor - Aandhra Pradesh Ijtema (15th to 17th February) bayanaat

Assalamu Alaikum wr wb

We are very pleased to inform you that Alhamdulillah, 10 bayanaat of Nellor - Aandhra Pradesh Ijtema have been uploaded onto our website www.attablig.com
Speakers include
Mo.Ibrahim Dewla
Mo.Usman Kakoshi
Faruk bhai Banglore
Mushtaq bhai Goregaaw
We humbly request you to visit the link given below and listen to these precious words from our elders

Jazakallahu khairan

08 February 2014

useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about Valentine's Day and it's evils

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health & Imaan

We are very pleased to inform you that one very useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about Valentine's Day and it's evils has been  uploaded into our website. (you can also find it in attachment)
please speard it more and more friends

Ulama and imaams are requested to make A3 copies for the masjid board
