22 December 2014

Bayans of the 2014 old workers jor of Markaz Nizamuddin

Assalamu alaikum ww,
Alhamdulillah 6 bayans of the 2014 old workers jor of Markaz Nizamuddin have been uploaded.
Speakers include:
Moulana Saad sb
Moulana Ahmed laat sb
Moulana Ibrahim Dewla db
Kindly click on the link given below 

Please listen to these valuable lectures and broadcast to your contacts
Jazakallahu khairan

11 December 2014


Assalamu alaikum ww,
Alhamdulillah 11 bayans of the 2014 Bhopal ijtima have been uploaded.
Speakers include:
Moulana Saad sb
Moulana Ahmed laat sb
Moulana Jamshed sb
Mushtaq bhai etc
Kindly click on the link given below or visit our website to listen/download it.
Please listen to these valuable lectures and broadcast to your contacts
Jazakallahu khairan

27 November 2014

Recordings of Raiwind ijtima 2014

Alhamdulilla high quality recordings of both parts of the 2014 Raiwind ijtima has been uploaded.  kindly click on the link given below
Please listen to these valuable lectures and broadcast to your contacts
Jazakallahu khairan

23 October 2014

Start new year with the dua of Sahaba rd

Assalamu alaikum ww
here is Sahaba rd's new years dua
so plz dont forget to recite it and also pass to others and put it in ur masajid
jazakallahu  khairan

05 October 2014

Eid mubarak

Assalamu alaikum ww

Eid Mubrak to all friends

كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا التقوا يوم العيد يقول بعضهم لبعض : تقبل الله منا ومنك
الراوي: جبير بن نفير (تابعي) المحدث: ابن حجر العسقلاني - المصدر: فتح الباري لابن حجر - الصفحة أو الرقم: 2/517

When the companions of the Prophet (saw) would meet each other on the say of Eid, they would say
 "تقبل الله منا ومنكم"
May Allah accept it (good actions) from us and you
Jab Allah k Rasul SAW k sahaba rd. eid k din aik dusre ko milte to unme se se baaz kehte
"تقبل الله منا ومنكم"

Remember us your duas
Jazakallahu khairan,

17 September 2014

The passing of Hazrat Hazrat Miyanji A.Rahman sb of Hazrat Nizamuddin Markaz

Assalamu 'Alaikum wr wb

I woke up this morning to the sad news of the passing of Hazrat Hazrat Miyanji A.Rahman sb of Hazrat Nizamuddin Markaz

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oon
Hazrat was round about 95 years of age. He had been giving khidmat to Markaz from the times of Hazrat maulana Ilyas sb (Rah) who was his first shaikh.
Thereafter he gave bayah to Hazratji Maulana Yusuf sb (rah) and then to Hazratji Maulana Inamul Hassan sb (rah). Then he started receiving Khilafas from various mashaikh that frequented Markaz Nizamuddin. Altogether he had received  Khilafat  from 27 Shuyukh from the silsila of Hazrat Shaikhul Hadees (rah), Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ahmed madani (rah), Hazrat Maulana Ahmed Ali Lahori (rah) and Hazrat Maulana Ahmed Partapgarhi (rah).
Mianji sb ra held responsibility of sending Jamaats to various corners of India.

Though spoke very little, he was highly respected amongst the Akabireen of Markaz Nizamuddin. Since the last few months he had become frail and age had caught up on him.

Alhamdulillah Allah (swt) gave me the Taufeeq to be seated next to him on our last visit to Markaz Nizamuddin one year ago. He was incharge of Tashkeel when we visited there. I was left amazed at Hazrat for making routes of 50 jamaats in a few minutes. I saw that one elder telling him budgets of different Jamats and Hazrat immediately responded by telling him to send the Jamaat with x amount budget to x place. He would send Jamaats all over India as it the route maps were inscribed in his mind.

May Allah accept his good works.

11 May 2014

very useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about the month of Rajab

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health &  Imaan

We are very pleased to inform you that you can find one very useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about the month of Rajab written by Shaikhul hadis Hazrat Mufti KhalilAhmed kawiwala db

please speard it more and more friends

Ulama and imaams are requested to make A3 copies for the masjid board


25 March 2014

Bayanaat of Raiwand's Old workers Jor

Assalamu Alaikum wr wb

We are very pleased to inform you that Alhamdulillah, 12 bayanaat of Raiwand's Old workers Jor have been uploaded onto our website www.attablig.com
Speakers include
Mo.Ibrahim Dewla
Haji A.Wahab sb db
Mo.Nazrurehman sb
Mo.A.rehman sb

We humbly request you to visit the link given below and listen to theseprecious words from our elders

Jazakallahu khairan

24 February 2014

Nellor - Aandhra Pradesh Ijtema (15th to 17th February) bayanaat

Assalamu Alaikum wr wb

We are very pleased to inform you that Alhamdulillah, 10 bayanaat of Nellor - Aandhra Pradesh Ijtema have been uploaded onto our website www.attablig.com
Speakers include
Mo.Ibrahim Dewla
Mo.Usman Kakoshi
Faruk bhai Banglore
Mushtaq bhai Goregaaw
We humbly request you to visit the link given below and listen to these precious words from our elders

Jazakallahu khairan

08 February 2014

useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about Valentine's Day and it's evils

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health & Imaan

We are very pleased to inform you that one very useful article in Urdu, English and Gujraati about Valentine's Day and it's evils has been  uploaded into our website. (you can also find it in attachment)
please speard it more and more friends

Ulama and imaams are requested to make A3 copies for the masjid board


12 January 2014

Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Moulana Fazlur Rahman Azmi DB is in U.K Tour

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
 We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health & Imaan
We are very pleased to inform you that world famous Islamic sccholar Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Moulana Fazlur Rahman Azmi DB is in U.K Tour now

here is complete schedule:
(if any of you will attend any bayan of this tour,please try to record and send bayan asap)