03 December 2013

Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani's programmes of Johannesburg

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health & Imaan

We are very pleased to inform you that world famous Islamic sccholar Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani db will visit Sauth Africa soon and here is his  programmes of Johannesburg
Note:we need volunteers regarding this tour from Sauth Africa,please contact us if you like to help us

01 December 2013

Hazrat Moulana Tariq jamil Sb's UK tour bayanat

Assalamu alaikum ww
Well known scholar Hazrat Moulana Tariq jamil Sahib (daamat barakatuhum),
 recently visited UK  and delivered several very useful talks during tour
Alhamdulillah we uploaded all talks
so please click on this link or visit our website  to listen/download all talks

Please listen these talks and also dont forget to forward them to all friends
jazakallahu khairan

18 November 2013

UK tour all bayant of Hazrat Mufti Salman Mansoorpuri Sahib DB

Assalamu alaikum ww
Hazrat Mufti Salman Mansoorpuri Sahib (daamat barakatuhum),
Senior lecturer of hadith and Mufti of Madrasah Shahi, Muradabad, India,
Grandson of Hazrat Shaykh al-Islam Mawlana Husain Ahmad Madni (rahimahullah) visited UK some days back and delivered several useful talks during tour
Alhamdulillah we uploaded all talks

so plz click on this link or visit our website  to listen/download all talks

jazakallahu khairan


25 October 2013

UK tour Schedule of Mufti Salman Mansoorpuri DB

Assalamu alaikum ww
Hazrat Mufti Salman Mansoorpuri Sahib (daamat barakatuhum), 
Senior lecturer of hadith and Mufti of Madrasah Shahi, Muradabad, India,
Grandson of Hazrat Shaykh al-Islam Mawlana Husain Ahmad Madni (rahimahullah). will visit UK from 30th Oct. to 7th Nov. 2013
Given below is a complete schedule of this tour,Please attend and forward message to others.
Note:If someone can record any bayan of this tour,plz send us,
Inshallah we will upload it in our website

10 October 2013

bayanat and Books about Qurbani,Zilhajj,Life of Ibrahim Al & Eidul Adha

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health & Imaan  and enjoying the sprtual days of Hajj
As holy month of  Zilhajj is going and days of ZilHajj is here and the days of urbani are approaching , we have dedicated a special section for 
Qurbani,Zilhajj,Life of Ibrahim Al & Eidul Adha This section includes talks and books on these topics  

below is the link of this folder


jazakallahu Kharian


07 October 2013

Bayanat of old workers of Gujarat Jor in Markaz Nizamuddin - September 2013

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health and Imaan.

Alhandulillah after four years the jor for old workers of Gujarat has been held from 21st to 24th sep. In Markaz Nizamuddin

We are very pleased to inform you that alhamdulillah we got all bayans and uploaded onto our website

Here is a direct link of this folder

Please benefit and share this link with your friends/contacts.

Note:Though we tried our best but voice of few audioes are still not best,So plz forgive us
Jazakallahu khairan

01 October 2013

New Speacial forder for bayanat / books about Hajj

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We pray this message reaches you whilst you are in the fullest of health and Imaan.
As we approach the beginning of the days of Hajj, we have dedicated a special section to include talks and books on the topic of Hajj. Please benefit and share this link with your friends/contacts.
here is a link of this folder


jazakallahu Kharian


28 August 2013

Hazrat Haz.Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri(d.b) & Haz.Mufti Mahmud Bardoli (d.b)'s UK tour Bayanat

Assalamu alaikum ww
Respected Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat 
Haz.Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri(d.b) & Haz.Mufti Mahmud Bardoli (d.b)'s UK tour has been came to an end,
alhamdulillah all bayanat of this tour has been uploaded into our website www.attablig.com with the help of some friends
Please listen and get benifit from  bayanas and also dont forget to forward to your circle

26 August 2013

Haz.Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b)'s Barbados & Canada tour's all Bayanat

Assalamu alaikum ww
Respected Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Ml Hanif Luharvi Db's Barbados & Canada tour has been came to an end,alhamdulillah all bayanat of this tour has been uploaded into our website www.attablig.com with the help of some friends
Please listen and get benifit to  bayanas

15 August 2013

Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b)'s tour of Barbados & Canada 16th to 25th august

Assalamu alaikum ww
Our beloved Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Ml Hanif Luharvi(d.b) is now in Barbados & Canada tour
here is a complete schedule of this tour

Barbados schedule:

Canada schedule:

11 August 2013

Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri(d.b)'s UK tour (17 to 20 August) schedule:

Assalamu alaikum ww
Our beloved Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri(d.b) will visit UK from 17 to 20 August
here is a complete schedule of this tour
so from them which bayan do u record and send us ?


Assalamu alaikum ww
Shaykh al-Hadith Fazlur Rahman Azmi of South Africa is visiting the Muslims of Toronto.
He is a senior lecturer and scholar of hadith at the famous institute Madrasah Arabia Islamia in Azaadville,
South Africa.
You are requested to attend his programs.

Program Schedule (All lectures in Urdu)

19 July 2013

3 very Important Bayans abt Dawat & Tablig

Assalamu alaikum ww

We hope this email reaches you whilst you are in the best of health and Imaan

We have three new audioes uploaded into our website www.attablig.com regarding the work of Dawat & Tablig,
2 by Hazrat Ml Ibrahim Dewka sb db and 1 by Bhai Mushtaq of Goregaon - Mumbai

So please visit our website and listen it and forward to all friends



16 June 2013

Tahajjud and Dhikr: The two missing components By Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri Edited by ‘Abd Allah bin Muhammad al-Afriqui in MP3:Tahajjud and Dhikr: The two missing components A summary of an ‘Ulama address by Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri (Allah protect at him) of Jami’ah Islamiyyah Dabhel at Madrasah Talim al-Din, Isipingo Beach on Sunday, 1 Sha’ban 1434; 9 June 2013. We all take pride in linking ourselves to our akabir (elders) who had laid the foundations of the various dini (religious) works that we are involved in. However, what is required of us is to see what were the sifat (qualities) that they possessed which enabled them to achieve success and progress. There were two outstanding qualities in their lives that are decreasing in our ‘ulama presently. The first is the performance of Tahajjud salah (voluntary night prayer). Initially it was the first fardh (obligatory) salah. Study Surat al-Muzzammil (Qur’an, 73) and see the link that it has with the dini work that we are involved in. Who could have been more occupied than Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace), yet Allah instructed His Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace) to spend a minimum of a third (1/3) of the night in Tahajjud salah. It is through this that one will gain energy for the rest of the day. The hadith speaks of Shaytan tying three knots on the nape of a sleeping person saying to him that he should continue sleeping. Thus, even if our eyes open early we will look at the clock and say to ourselves that there is still plenty of time left, resulting in us not getting the opportunity to perform Tahajjud salah. It was a common feature in the lives of all the Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them), tabi‘in, muhaddithin, and our akabir (Allah have mercy on them), whether those whom we had seen or those before them. They were punctual on this practice irrespective of whether they were travelling or not. The second common feature was that of dhikr Allah (remembrance of Allah). This was their spiritual energy. They never left out their daily adhkar and ma’mulat (prescribed routine). Mawlana Habib al-Rahman (Allah have mercy on him) who was the vice principal of Dar al-’Ulum Deoband would daily make 125 000 dhikr of ‘Allah’ despite his busy schedule of seeing to the administration of the madrasah. In a letter to one of his khulafa’ who was a principal of a madrasah, Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi (Allah have mercy on him) impressed upon him the need to spend at least two and a half hours daily in dhikr and inabat ilallah in order for his madrasah to prosper and progress. Dhikr Allah will be in the form of one’s ma’mulat , the morning and evening adhkar and du’as, and tilawah (recitation) of the Qur’an. Mawlana Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi would daily recite eight to nine juz’ (parts) in spite of his busy schedule of teaching, mutala’ah and tasnif. Each one of us needs to ask ourselves, how much of the Qur’an do we recite daily. http://www.friendsofdeoband.com/?p=2894

Tahajjud and Dhikr: The two missing components By Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri
Edited by ‘Abd Allah bin Muhammad al-Afriqui

in MP3:Tahajjud and Dhikr: The two missing components

A summary of an ‘Ulama address by Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri (Allah protect at him) of Jami’ah Islamiyyah Dabhel at Madrasah Talim al-Din, Isipingo Beach on Sunday, 1 Sha’ban 1434; 9 June 2013.

We all take pride in linking ourselves to our akabir (elders) who had laid the foundations of the various dini (religious) works that we are involved in.

However, what is required of us is to see what were the sifat (qualities) that they possessed which enabled them to achieve success and progress. There were two outstanding qualities in their lives that are decreasing in our ‘ulama presently.

The first is the performance of Tahajjud salah (voluntary night prayer). Initially it was the first fardh (obligatory) salah. Study Surat al-Muzzammil (Qur’an, 73) and see the link that it has with the dini work that we are involved in. Who could have been more occupied than Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace), yet Allah instructed His Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace) to spend a minimum of a third (1/3) of the night in Tahajjud salah. It is through this that one will gain energy for the rest of the day.

The hadith speaks of Shaytan tying three knots on the nape of a sleeping person saying to him that he should continue sleeping. Thus, even if our eyes open early we will look at the clock and say to ourselves that there is still plenty of time left, resulting in us not getting the opportunity to perform Tahajjud salah.

It was a common feature in the lives of all the Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them), tabi‘in, muhaddithin, and our akabir (Allah have mercy on them), whether those whom we had seen or those before them. They were punctual on this practice irrespective of whether they were travelling or not.

The second common feature was that of dhikr Allah (remembrance of Allah). This was their spiritual energy. They never left out their daily adhkar and ma’mulat (prescribed routine). Mawlana Habib al-Rahman (Allah have mercy on him) who was the vice principal of Dar al-’Ulum Deoband would daily make 125 000 dhikr of ‘Allah’ despite his busy schedule of seeing to the administration of the madrasah.

In a letter to one of his khulafa’ who was a principal of a madrasah, Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi (Allah have mercy on him) impressed upon him the need to spend at least two and a half hours daily in dhikr and inabat ilallah in order for his madrasah to prosper and progress.

Dhikr Allah will be in the form of one’s ma’mulat , the morning and evening adhkar and du’as, and tilawah (recitation) of the Qur’an. Mawlana Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi would daily recite eight to nine juz’ (parts) in spite of his busy schedule of teaching, mutala’ah and tasnif. Each one of us needs to ask ourselves, how much of the Qur’an do we recite daily.


22 April 2013

Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (db) UK Tour APR 26 - May 11 2013

Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi damat barakatuhum

UK Tour April 26 - May 11 2013

organised by Tazkiyah Academy UK, IslamicSpirituality.org and ZaynabAcademyOnline.org

Cities to be visited include: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bolton, Blackburn, Dewsbury, Leicester, and others insha'Allah.

Details will be updated on this thread. Please check back regularly.

London, Friday 26 April - Sunday 28 April

Friday 26 April

Seven Kings Masjid, Evening Bayan

645-647 High Road, Seven Kings, Ilford, IG3 8RA

Saturday 27 April

Quwwatul Islam Masjid, Evening Bayan

62-66 Upton Lane and 16 Chaucer Road, Forest Gate, E7 9LN

Birmingham and Surrounding Areas, Thursday 2 May -Saturday 4 May

Thursday 2 May

Jami Masjid Nuneaton, Evening Bayan

Jami Masjid, Frank Street, Nuneaton, CV11 5RB

Friday 3 May

Jame Masjid (formerly Saddam Husain), Evening Bayan

2 Trinity Road, Aston, B6 6AG

North England, Sunday 5 May -Saturday 11 May

Sunday 5 May

Masjid Zakaria, Evening Bayan

2 Chapel Street, Dewsbury, WF12 9NQ

Friday 10 May

Masjid Noor, Jumuah Bayan

87 Stamford St, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9JE

Masjid Hidaya, Evening Bayan

19 Humphrey Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9BW

Saturday 11 May

Masjid Noor, Evening Bayan

87 Stamford St, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9JE

Note: Most talks and programs will be conducted in Urdu; though many will feature a concurrent LIVE English translation by Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar's Khalifah: Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed

Contact Information

UKtasawwuf [at] gmail [dot] com (MEN)
tasawwufUK [at] gmail [dot] com (WOMEN)

Mobile: 07747 042840

Programmes conducted will include:

- Masjid Bayans (Brothers and Sisters)
- Talks for Women
- Talks/advices for scholars/students of knowledge ('Ulama and Tulaba)

Urdu talks broadcast on www.tasawwuf.org
English translations broadcast on www.islamicspirituality.org

14 April 2013

Bayanat of 2 Tabligi Ijtemaa of Gujarat

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
2 Tablighi Ijtima's took place in the area of Gujerat last week and we are pleased to announce that many bayaanat from them have now been uploaded onto our website.
Panoli District Ijtema took place in Kosamba
Bharuch District Ijtema took place in Sherpura


07 April 2013

Shaikh Hanif Luharvi db recently UK tour bayanat

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
We hope this email reaches you whilst you are in the best of health and Imaan.
As you may be aware, Hazrat Moulana Shaikh Hanif Luharvi db (Shaikhul Hadeeth, Kharod, India) has been in UK last week. He has now safely returned to India.

We are very pleased that all talks from his UK Tour have been uploaded onto our website www.attablig.com

Attablig.com Team

02 April 2013

Important announcement about New Admins

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
We hope this email reaches you whilst you are in the best of health and Imaan.
We are happy to announce that along with the new design of the website, a new Shura Team, which consists of members from all around the wolrd, has taken over the day-to-day running of this website. We request all visitors to subscribe to our site to keep upto date with new bayans, and also contribute talks which take place in your area.
We request you to share our website link with your your friends/contacts and ask them to subscribe. Finally, we also ask visitors to contribute talks from their locality and give us feedback on our new design.
Attablig.com Team

19 February 2013

"Dawat ka azim kaam" - [MUST LISTEN] golden voice of Ml.A.Rahim Motala(r.a)

Assalamu alaikum ww
here is one more golden voice of Ml.A.Rahim Motala(r.a) [khalifa e khas of Shaikh Zakariya ra] about
"Dawat ka azim kaam"
this lecture was delivered at Masjid-ut-Taqwa in Toronto, Canada on May 23, 2011 in the evening. All are requested to take out some time and benefit as well as pass on to all on your contact lists. Please continue to send abundant isale sawaab for beloved Hazrat and continue your du'as for his family and madaris.


19 January 2013

new section on our site dedicated to Seeratun Nabi (saw).

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
We have created a new section on our site dedicated to Seeratun Nabi (saw).
This section will include bayaanaat in Urdu and English on the topic of Seeratun Nabi, and will also have links to Books.
We request our subscribers to benefit from this section, and pass the link onto your contacts.
 here is a Link of this section
Attablig.com Team.

06 January 2013

Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(db)'s advices on recent Delhi case

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Below is a link to a 4 minute clip of Shaikh Hanif's speech from Kosad, India, last week.

In it he gives advice on the recent assault/murder which took place in Delhi.

Please take a few minutes to listen and pass onto your contacts.

MP3: http://archive.org/download/ShaikhHanifLuharvidbsAdvicesOnRecentDelhiCase/ShaikhHanifLuharvidbsAdvicesOnRecentDelhiCase.mp3

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAWvPM6Z4Eg


Attablig.com Team