27 December 2012

26 new Bayaanaat by Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Laat sb db

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
It gives us great pleasure to announce to our subscribers that we have uploaded 26 Bayaanaat by Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Laat sb db onto our website.
These bayanaat were delivered during Ramadan 1433 at Nizamuddin Markaz.
Please take benefit from them and pass onto others.
Attablig.com Team

19 December 2012

latest bayanat of Moulana Tariq Jamil sb db's recent tour of fiji and newzeland

Assalamu alaiakum ww
plz visit our website www.attablig.com or click  HERE  for  latest bayanat of Moulana Tariq Jamil sb db's recent tour of fiji and newzeland

17 December 2012

Hadees kai Islaahi Mazaameen by Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri (db)

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb

Attablig.com are proud to present for the first time available online:

Hadees kai Islaahi Mazaameen

An ongoing work in Urdu (currently 6 volumes) compiled from the weekly Dars of Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri (db) on the Explanation of Riyadus Saliheen (Imam Nawawi Rh)
Please see link below or visit our website www.attablig.com  to read or download it.
All subscribers are requested to take benefit from this kitaab and forward to others.

06 December 2012

Shaikh Hanif Luharvi(d.b) will deliver a speech in Mumbai on 7th december

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Our Respected Scholar Shaikh Hanif Luharvi (db) will deliver a speech tomorrow (Friday) after Isha Salaah at Gulshan Colony Masjid -Versowa, Mumbai. All brothers from the Mumbai area are requested to participate in this program and benefit from Shaikhs words of wisdom.